Descobrimos esta lojinha. Ficámos lá um bom tempo a admirar tudo (eu fiquei lá um bom tempo a ver tudo). A loja tem um espaço lounge super requintado e simples, no andar de cima. Adorei os expositores que são caixotes de madeira com descrição em lousa escrita a giz.
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In one week-end we went for a little walk in Chiado, Lisbon. It has to be really a little walk, because the kid get's tired very fast.
We found this little shop. We stayed there a long time to admire all (I stayed there a long time to see everything). The store has a lounge space upstairs. I loved the exhibitors that are wooden boxes with descriptions written in chalk on a blackboard.
We found this little shop. We stayed there a long time to admire all (I stayed there a long time to see everything). The store has a lounge space upstairs. I loved the exhibitors that are wooden boxes with descriptions written in chalk on a blackboard.
Adorei a lojinha, bem com coisinhas que eu gosto! As caixas de chá são um mimo! Vou passar por lá. Obrigada pela dica!