09 janeiro 2012

Balanço de semana de Facebook } Week in Facebook (19-30 DEC 11

19 DEC 2011

Qual o melhor local/cidade para passar o Natal? (podem acrescentar à vontade) 
A pergunta encontra-se neste link do Facebook e continua aberta.

Which is the best place/city to spend Christmas? (feel free to add)
The Question is on this Facebook link and still on course.

26 DEC 2011

Onde Gostavam de Passar o Fim de Ano? (podem acrescentar à vontade) 
A pergunta encontra-se neste link do Facebook e continua aberta.

Where do you like to spend your new year's eve? (feel free to add)
The Question is on this Facebook link and still on course.


Às terças-feiras sugerimos uma página de Facebook para fazerem um LIKE 

On Tuesdays we suggest a Facebook page to do a LIKE

Descubra a sua página de Facebook e façam um LIKE...

International Human Solidarity Day
Proclaimed by the General Assembly to take place on 20 December each year, the goal is to raise awareness of the importance of advancing the international development agenda and promoting global understanding of the value of human solidarity
Discover its Facebook page do a LIKE ...

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

For Christmas

For New Years Eve

Paula  & Miguel

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